metal, forcing manufacturers to add alloys to strengthen it. O

 Pure silver is a soft metal, forcing manufacturers to add alloys to strengthen it. Otherwise known as sterling silver, it usually contains other metals such as copper or zinc.

In general, sterling silver is 9 2.5% silver, which is why you’ll notice ‘925’ on the jewelry pieces. This means the remaining 7.5% of the jewelry must contain another metal. Additionally, sterling can be above 92.5%, but the amount cannot fall below the threshold.

You may see other labels, such as ‘800’, indicating the jewelry is 80% silver. You’ll normally see the 800-label attached to silverware.

The label ‘500’ shows the piece comprises 5 0% silver. The 500 alternative is a good choice for the budget-minded consumer. However, be wary of disreputable merchants who may try to market 500 jew elry as something higher.

  • Note: Sterling-plated jewelry is misleading. This is jewelry containing plated silver. Designed to look fancier, sterling-plated jewelry is usually costume jewelry.
On the other hand, a label that says ‘999’ denotes jewelry that’s 


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